
Friday, January 15, 2016

Knit One Smock Too's Birdie Quilt

Hi all, I'm back! Guess you all thought I'd just dropped off the face of the earth. Not so. Business has picked up and you know that when you get out of the habit of blogging, it is super easy to wake up one day and think, hey, I've haven't blogged in 6 months! It has been all I can do just to keep up with all the beautiful quilts that come my way, 3 kids, 3 dogs, I think I'm going to keep things simple by highlighting a few quilts here and there, rather than trying to get blog time for every one.

I wanted to show you all this adorable wool applique that Knit One Smock Too has put together.

This quilt, Bertie's Spring by Bonnie Sullivan, is a collaborative effort. Shirley and Jandell from the Knit One designed this version of the pattern. It was stitched by Susann and pieced by Shirley. They have kits available at the shop and they also offer classes.

I love the baby birds and the mama bird's apron. Too cute! There is going to be some additional embroidery to liven up the applique, so swing by the shop or the Statesville show to see it in person.


  1. Hi Laura,
    Good to read your post - missed seeing your quilting! This is sooo cute ! Love the quilting- the swirls and pearls show off the appliqué perfectly!

  2. Hi Laura,
    Glad you're back. Great job on the quilt on your part and the ladies at KOST.
