
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

AQS Charlotte!

So here I am at the AQS Charlotte show. I went last Wednesday and had a great time. It was so exciting to see my little wall quilt hanging up next to all these amazing quilts!

The only thing I did not have time to do was play on all the longarm machines.

I did try the new Millenium. Those Bliss rails are amazing. Unfortunately, I'd have to buy a new table for my machine if I wanted to upgrade, so it looks like I'll be quilting the old fashioned way, with some friction. Good for muscle buildup and control right?

I did want to try out the Juki, but didn't get around to it. Apparently, word on the street is that Sharon Schamber thinks the Juki is a great machine. Really good as far as tension goes. Go figure.

****I have removed the rest of the photos I took of amazing quilts at this show. Unfortunately, several have been pinned on Pinterest without proper credit given. At first glance, the quilts looked like they were my work because they came from my blog. I have posted comments with the names of the quilts and the artists on the Pins I could find. So in order to be sure there are no more cases of mistaken identity, I'm taking the rest of the photos off my blog. I'm sure you'll see them again on magazine covers:) Sorry for the mix up!


  1. I loved the Juki in Charlotte last year! Thanks for posting, I didn't make it to Charlotte and you focused on the stuff I wanted to see!

  2. Congrats on getting your quilt in the show, great picture of you with your quilt! Love all the photos you took, thanks for sharing as I have never been to a big show!

  3. wow! gorgeous quilting designs. thanks for sharing.
    Pretty cool that you quilt was accepted in the show.
