
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sofie's quilt

I made this quilt for the daughter of my daughter's teacher. Sofie is only 8, but she has been battling cancer. It was in remission, but it is back again. She has been spending a lot of time in the hospital and my mom suggested that it might be nice for her to have a quilt to brighten up her room. I thought it was a great idea.

I had a lot of small scraps left over from Holly's quilt, so I cut them all down into 3 inch squares and set them into a grid pattern. Then I quilted my favorite swirly feathers over the whole thing.

I heard she was a big fan of horses and I wanted to do something a little different so her quilt would be unique. I found a free clip art silhouette of a horse and printed it and traced it onto a piece of Wonder Under. My daughter helped me cut out the shapes and I fused them onto the quilt and top-stitched over them.

Then I stitched her name in a pretty script so it would look a little fancier.

We'll be praying that the treatment works well and puts her cancer back into remission. If anyone would like more information, you can access her Caring Bridge website.


  1. This is such a perfect, beautiful, special quilt. You did an awesome job!

  2. Another beautiful quilt Laura, made with so much love as well, well done xx

  3. What a beautiful quilt, you have done such a great job personalizing this one and pouring love and prayers into it for this precious little girl; it is a treasure! Thank you for sharing this story, Laura; let's all hope that this hideous cancer goes away for good.

  4. What a precious gift you gave her. It is a very special quilt which will keep her nice and warm.
