
Monday, June 24, 2013

Carrie's rabbit quilt

Carrie finished this adorable rabbit quilt and asked me if I would quilt it for her. She got the blocks from Michelle May's blog, The Raspberry Rabbits. They are just so cute!

For this quilt, Carrie wanted Carla Barrett's ( Continuous Curve design for the squares.

And she really liked the background filler on Patsy Thompson's Tulip Quilt.

She also chose Kim Stotsenberg's border design. I suggested a dark gray thread for the black border so the design would show up, but not be too prominent.

Love those bunnies! Thanks Carrie!


  1. can't wait to see it in person!

  2. The perfect collaboration, Carries's handwork and your quilting, those wascally wabbits are really showing off now... just beautiful!

  3. How neat! I quilted Michelle Mays very similar! Great job!
