
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Starry Night finished!

I've been working on this for a while in between customers' quilts. I might make another one some day that is more involved. Still not sure I am totally happy with the ground.

I decided not to go with paint. That is something I might try in the future, but I was wary of messing it up:) I don't have a lot of experience with paints. I can draw, yes, paint... not so much.

I sketched the houses onto Steam-a-seam 2 paper and fused them onto the blue. Then I thread-sketched over them with black thread. A friend of mine who paints, suggested adding a bit of extra white under the buildings.


The moon and stars are also fused and then quilted over using a combination of white, light yellow and a darker yellow.

I didn't fuse the tree on, just topstitched over it and then used brown thread for the shadowing on the inside.

My 'artist' signature. I'm lucky that Ls are easy to quilt. I sign most of my quilts this way.


  1. Wow!I am sure your customer is going to be very happy with the quilt. The sky is just fabulous.

  2. Your posting about your creative process is very inspiring to me. Loving this project. Hope to see you soon. b

  3. Stunning! I love Starry Night - it's the skin on my laptop. :) You did such a nice job with this.
