
Monday, November 26, 2012

Carrie's Quilt

And yet another beautiful quilt from Carrie P. with beautifully embroidered blocks. Carrie asked for an overall floral motif across the blue and purple strips and some tight stippling to make the embroidered blocks stand out. She chose the Sulky blendables thread which has variegated blues and purples. I've discovered this thread gives out LOADS of lint, but the colors are perfect for this quilt:)

I unfortunately chose a windy day to photograph this quilt, but you will be able to see the finished product better on Carrie's blog once she gets the binding on.

I should have zoomed in on the topiary on the top left. I think that one is my favorite embroidered block. You can see the floral motif more closely in the next 3 photos. The pattern is called Botanical Blossoms and I found it on


Thanks again Carrie!


  1. Well, that was fast! Looks good. I should be in my sewing room putting the binding on. After I read a few more blocks. Thanks again for another excellent job!

  2. A lovely quilt with beautiful quilting!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie
