
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Free motion quilting demonstration at the Fall Bazaar

I've managed to land a table near an electrical outlet at the Fall Bazaar. I'm going to bring my sewing machine and do some free motion quilting while I'm there. There nothing worse than standing there trying to look hopeful while people rummage through all the treasures you've made. And I'll have 6 hours of no kids (not mine anyway), so why not make the best of it? The only problem is I have nothing ready to quilt at the moment.

 So today, I've solved that problem. There was a quilt pinned into Pinterest (one of my favorite sites) by a lady named Kit Lang. She does some wonderful art quilts.
This tiny was was called Winter Walk. This is going to be my version of that quilt. I thought it would be fun to practice some windy swirls in the sky and tree branches.

The other little wall quilt is a fabric copy of Ruth Davis' Morning Cup, also on Pinterest.
It looks like a lot of fun. Something simple to have a play with quilting and not have to piece.
I'll be working on both of these quilts at the Fall Bazaar on Saturday if you want to come out and watch. Thanks!


  1. Can't wait to see those two finished. hope you sell everything at the bazaar.

  2. I so want to do this and will give it a try. Got the Pinterest link. Very cool. Going to check it out.
