
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Eve's Improv Color Blocks

Goodness sakes! Has it really been since February that I've blogged?! Well, I've got some good stuff coming:)

Here is Eve's beautiful modern quilt. It was inspired by Improv Color Blocks by Kati Spencer in Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe.

There was loads of fun blank space for me to work with. When she sent me a picture, I knew I had to try some quilting a la Krista Withers. She does some beautiful modern quilting that I have seen on Pinterest and other places and have been just waiting for a chance to try it out myself. You can find her work on her blog.

My first step was to mark the whole quilt (yes, every single line) with a blue water soluble marker. I think I must have the worst luck in the world with these. I spent half a day marking everything and loaded it onto the frame. By the end of the day, the marks were edging toward invisibility. By the next day, I had a dot left here or there. Arghhh! This is the lovely time of year when we keep our windows open. Unfortunately, humidity is NOT my friend.

The good news is that this style works perfectly well impromptu. I still used my blue pen, but just to mark the main lines as I went along. Then I just filled in the gaps.

Did I mention how much fun this is? I tried to keep my swirly motif moving along around the whole quilt and used the straight lines as filler.

It is kind of hard to tell just how well things are going as you work on each section, but when I hung it up to take a picture, I was floored. Wow! You really have to stand back and take it all in to get the full effect. I was so excited that I ran next door to drag my retired neighbor lady over for a viewing:)

I will definitely be quilting like this again. Send me your quilts! Bring on the blank space! Thanks Krista, for your inspiration, and Eve, for your beautiful work!